The Breast Cancer Support Trust Papamoa Hills Night Walk, held in July 2024, was a resounding success, thanks in large part to the dedication and support of volunteers who signed up through Volunteering Services, and the promotion they did to attract volunteers. The event drew approximately 400 participants, who walked in support of a vital cause.

Jill Forlong from the Breast Cancer Support Service BOP reflected on the event, noting the crucial role volunteers played in making the night a success. “Our volunteers did an amazing job, and we’ve had some wonderful feedback about the night from them and attendees. Several of the new volunteers are happy to continue supporting us in future events, which is fabulous.”

Volunteering Services was instrumental in connecting the Breast Cancer Support Trust with the volunteers needed to manage the event. The use of the Seek Volunteer platform was particularly effective, attracting a number of younger volunteers who were eager to contribute their time to a the cause.

Jill emphasized the importance of these volunteers: “We simply could not run the event without the support of our volunteers who helped with registration sign-in and out, directing walkers to the appropriate sign-in place, directing traffic to parking spots, managing groups of walkers at the start point, hostess duties providing supper at the end of the walk, and the YSAR volunteers out on the track encouraging walkers and ensuring their safety.”

The event’s success demonstrates the power of community and the vital role that platforms like Volunteering Services play in bringing people together for a common cause. The connection between the Breast Cancer Support Trust and volunteers through this platform not only ensured a smooth and enjoyable event but also fostered relationships that will support future initiatives.