In the heart of Tauranga’s city centre, something remarkable happens every week. 

Under the Stars began in late 2014 with a plastic table set up outside the Tauranga City Library serving meals for the homeless. 

Liz Kite, inspired by a need she saw in the community, decided to take action. In the beginning, only three people were served but week after week, Liz continued to feed those in need, and soon, other volunteers joined her with donations of food, clothing, bedding and toiletries.

One evening Liz asked a departing guest where he would be sleeping. His response, “Under the stars,” was both poignant and moving and Under the Stars was born.

Under the Stars isn’t just about filling stomachs; it’s about fostering a sense of belonging and dignity. The organisation’s mission is to provide meals in a compassionate environment, free from judgement. Every person who turns up is greeted with kindness and respect, regardless of their circumstances.

Every Saturday at 5pm and Thursday at midday, at 45 Cliff Rd in Tauranga’s CBD, volunteers serve a hearty, home-cooked meal to their guests. The weekly gatherings have become a space where social connections are made and friendships are nurtured. For many, it’s more than just a meal, it’s a chance to be part of something bigger – a community that cares.

Recently, Under the Stars held a special event to recognise the efforts of its volunteers. Long-time volunteers were presented with Under the Stars hoodies as tokens of appreciation.

“I saw how the local council’s actions were making our homeless population feel like second-class citizens,” Keiran, a volunteer for six years, said. “It’s not about solving the problem but offering a service that makes them feel they belong. They can be visible and won’t be judged here.”

Sue, one of the original volunteers, has deep affection for the people they help. 

“You get to know them, and they feel like family,” she said. For James, another regular volunteer, the experience is eye-opening. 

“Volunteering for Under the Stars snaps me out of my bubble and into a slice of life that would otherwise stay hidden.”

One of the Under the Stars younger volunteers enjoys being involved and sees it as a way of giving back to his community. He began volunteering as part of his Duke of Edinburgh Award, but his dedication has outlasted his initial volunteer requirements. He believes it’s always good to help others if you can. 

The “Knit a Row for a Bro” Project

A Volunteering Services micro-volunteering project, Knit a Row for a Bro, recently donated a special gift to one of the regular guests of Under the Stars. 

Micro-volunteering encourages people to contribute a small yet meaningful contribution to a group project. This one created a knitted scarf. People all over the city knitted a row or two of the scarf and it was given by Operations Coordinator Rose Kent-Wilson to an Under the Stars regular.

If you would like to volunteer some of your time, contact Under the Stars at to find out more.