Congratulations Ann Treadgold, Te Puke Toy Library’s long-serving coordinator, committee member and ‘Elf in Chief’ – and one of the Top 10 Star Volunteers!
Here’s why Ann’s colleague Sarah nominated her: “Years and years of unfazed dedication to keeping the toy library going, keeping it off the brink of closing through sheer will power and volunteer hours. Creative thinking and long nights searching for new funding, new grants, new ideas. She will put her own needs second every time for the sake of our organization. Attends every single meeting and on top of it all helps her friends and family in every way they need. Such a genuine person, there aren’t many left like her.”
Congratulations Ann, you’ve brought joy to many kids and families in Te Puke!
If you’re looking to volunteer in Te Puke, the Te Puke Toy Library Inc are looking for more committee members – could that be you?