Do you wish you had more people helping out, more often?

Do you attract a steady stream of volunteers but find they never stick around for long?

When it comes to volunteering, people are spoilt for choice. There is no shortage of organisations to get involved with, so in order to attract volunteers and keep them on-board, you need to offer them the best possible experience. Learn what drives people to volunteer and discover simple strategies for ensuring your volunteers get what they need to stay involved.

In this workshop you will discover:

  • If your organisation is even ready for volunteers.
  • How to ensure your organisation offers a good fit for potential volunteers.
  • The difference between Recognition and Appreciation.
  • What being part of a team really means to volunteers.
  • What makes a volunteer experience go from good to great?

This workshop will give you loads of practical ideas for making your organisation a place where everyone wants to volunteer. Get more people helping out more often, with more fun and more impact.

Everyone’s welcome – select from a Standard Ticket, a Tonic Member Ticket (for Tonic Members) or a BayTrust Subsidised Ticket for eligible BOP organisations (check your eligibility here)

You will be sent the Zoom details one week prior. One ticket per person.

Online workshop held in two parts:

  • Part 1: Tuesday 4 March, 9.30am-12.30pm
  • Part 2: Tuesday 11 March, 9.30am-12.30pm

For tickets and information, click here